Together Weekend
Together Weekend is a great discipleship event for students in grades 6-12. Groups from many area churches gather at Broadmoor Baptist for the main sessions and have have small groups and stay in host homes on Friday and Saturday nights. The weekend concludes with Sunday morning church.
Growing together.
Highland Colony Student Ministry is a place where students can feel free to come worship, connect with others, serve others, and go and make disciples. The student ministry is for students 6-12 grade and our focus is “Building Effective Believers, Committed to Transforming Our Times.”
LIFEGROUPS - Sundays, 10:45
Lifegroups are Sunday morning Bible studies designed to help students grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and learn to live out their faith! We have four student life groups that are divided by age and gender.
MIDWEEK - Wednesdays, 6:15pm-7:30pm
MIDWEEK is our weekly gathers that gives students the opportunity to hang out, connect with others, worship Jesus, and be challenged by his Word. We provide free pizza and drinks, participate in fun activities, and engage with God in worship.
LIFEGROUPS - Sundays, 10:45
Lifegroups are Sunday morning Bible studies designed to help students grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and learn to live out their faith! We have four student life groups that are divided by age and gender.
MIDWEEK - Wednesdays, 6:15pm-7:30pm
MIDWEEK is our weekly gathers that gives students the opportunity to hang out, connect with others, worship Jesus, and be challenged by his Word. We provide free pizza and drinks, participate in fun activities, and engage with God in worship.
Sundays @ 10:45am
On Sunday mornings, we gather for a light breakfast and then split into smaller groups for Life Group.
Wednesdays @ 6:15
On Wednesday nights, we gather for pizza, games, and worship with all 6th-12th graders.